Thomas Therapy

Occupational Therapy Services

Functional Capacity Assessments

FCAs for NDIS participants to capture level of functioning spanning across multiple domains (cognition, communication, mobility, self-care, domestic activities, work and social participation)

Activity of Daily Living (ADL) assessments

Thorough assessment in one or more domain of daily living, to provide a detailed roadmap to overcome barriers to participation

Assistive Technology Assessments

Assessments of aid requirements and aid recommendations, with assistive technology reports if required

Vocational Assessments

Assessment of vocational skills and barriers, to aid return to work in areas suited to the participant’s level of functioning

Home and Living Assessments

Supported Independent Living, housing and care requirement assessments and reports

Capacity Building

Therapy support to increase independence and functioning in activities of daily living

Young adult with Down Syndrome engaging in a therapy activity with an occupational therapist

Thomas Therapy

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapists work with people to help them to participate in the activities of everyday life that are meaningful and important to them. The primary goal of Occupational Therapy is to identify a person’s strengths and barriers to functioning and, in turn, enable them to participate in necessary and desired activities (occupations) to fulfil life roles.

Occupational therapy can assist with the following areas:

  • Activities of Daily Living

  • Identifying support needs

  • Functional Assessment

  • Goal Setting

  • Behavioural and emotional difficulties

  • Sensory processing

Contact me
0407 854 255

At Thomas Therapy your goals are our priority.